How Johns Hopkins University Launched a Secret Program to Revolutionize Medical Education


How Johns Hopkins University Launched a Secret Program to Revolutionize Medical Education

Johns Hopkins University is one of the most prestigious medical schools in the United States. In the late 1800s, the university launched a secret program to revolutionize medical education. This program, known as the Flexner Report, was the first comprehensive evaluation of medical education in the United States.

The Flexner Report

The Flexner Report was commissioned by the Carnegie Foundation and written by Abraham Flexner. Flexner was a medical educator and researcher who had studied medical education in Europe. He was asked to evaluate the quality of medical education in the United States.

Flexner’s report was scathing. He found that many medical schools were not providing students with a quality education. He argued that medical schools should focus on scientific research and teaching, rather than on practical skills. He also argued that medical schools should be more selective in their admissions process.

The Impact of the Flexner Report

The Flexner Report had a profound impact on medical education in the United States. Many medical schools closed or merged as a result of the report. Those that remained open adopted Flexner’s recommendations. Medical schools began to focus more on scientific research and teaching, and admissions became more selective.

The Flexner Report also had a major impact on Johns Hopkins University. The university adopted Flexner’s recommendations and became a leader in medical education. The university’s medical school is now one of the most prestigious in the world.


Johns Hopkins University launched a secret program to revolutionize medical education in the late 1800s. The program, known as the Flexner Report, was the first comprehensive evaluation of medical education in the United States. The report had a profound impact on medical education in the United States, and Johns Hopkins University adopted its recommendations and became a leader in medical education.


Q: What was the Flexner Report?
A: The Flexner Report was a comprehensive evaluation of medical education in the United States commissioned by the Carnegie Foundation and written by Abraham Flexner.

Q: What was the impact of the Flexner Report?
A: The Flexner Report had a profound impact on medical education in the United States. Many medical schools closed or merged as a result of the report, and those that remained open adopted Flexner’s recommendations. Johns Hopkins University adopted its recommendations and became a leader in medical education.

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