Is Texas State University a Party School? Examining the Evidence


Is Texas State University a Party School? Examining the Evidence

Texas State University has a reputation as a party school, but is it deserved? In this article, we’ll examine the evidence to determine if Texas State University is indeed a party school.

Student Life at Texas State University

Texas State University is located in San Marcos, Texas, and has an enrollment of over 38,000 students. The University is known for its vibrant student life, with a wide variety of clubs, organizations, and activities. The University also has a thriving Greek life, with over 30 fraternities and sororities.

Alcohol and Drug Use at Texas State University

Alcohol and drug use is a major concern at Texas State University. According to the University‘s annual security report, there were over 1,000 alcohol-related incidents on campus in 2018. Additionally, the report found that there were over 200 drug-related incidents on campus in 2018.

Social Events at Texas State University

Texas State University is known for its social events, such as the annual Bobcat Bash. The Bobcat Bash is a large outdoor party that takes place on campus each year. The event typically features live music, food, and alcohol.


Based on the evidence, it is clear that Texas State University has a reputation as a party school. The University has a vibrant student life, with a wide variety of clubs, organizations, and activities. Additionally, the University has a high rate of alcohol and drug use, as well as large social events such as the Bobcat Bash.


Q: Is Texas State University a party school?

A: Yes, Texas State University has a reputation as a party school. The University has a vibrant student life, with a wide variety of clubs, organizations, and activities. Additionally, the University has a high rate of alcohol and drug use, as well as large social events such as the Bobcat Bash.

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