Exploring the Religious Affiliation of Hamline University


Exploring the Religious Affiliation of Hamline University

Hamline University is a private liberal arts University located in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Founded in 1854, it is the oldest University in the state and one of the oldest universities in the Midwest. Hamline is affiliated with the United Methodist Church, but it is not a religiously affiliated University. This article will explore the religious affiliation of Hamline University and how it affects the University‘s mission and values.

History of Hamline University

Hamline University was founded in 1854 by Methodist Bishop Leonidas Lent Hamline. The University was originally named Hamline University of Minnesota and was affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church. In the early years, the University was a small, private college with a focus on religious education. Over the years, the University has grown and expanded its academic offerings to include a wide range of disciplines.

Religious Affiliation of Hamline University

Hamline University is affiliated with the United Methodist Church, but it is not a religiously affiliated University. The University is committed to providing a diverse and inclusive learning environment for all students. The University does not require students to adhere to any particular religious beliefs or practices. Instead, the University encourages students to explore their own beliefs and values and to respect the beliefs and values of others.

Mission and Values of Hamline University

The mission of Hamline University is to provide an excellent education that prepares students for meaningful lives and successful careers. The University is committed to providing a diverse and inclusive learning environment for all students. The University values academic excellence, intellectual inquiry, personal growth, and social responsibility.


Hamline University is affiliated with the United Methodist Church, but it is not a religiously affiliated University. The University is committed to providing a diverse and inclusive learning environment for all students and encourages students to explore their own beliefs and values and to respect the beliefs and values of others. The University‘s mission and values reflect its commitment to providing an excellent education that prepares students for meaningful lives and successful careers.


Q: Is Hamline University a religiously affiliated University?

A: No, Hamline University is not a religiously affiliated University. The University is affiliated with the United Methodist Church, but it does not require students to adhere to any particular religious beliefs or practices.

Q: What are the mission and values of Hamline University?

A: The mission of Hamline University is to provide an excellent education that prepares students for meaningful lives and successful careers. The University values academic excellence, intellectual inquiry, personal growth, and social responsibility.

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