Understanding When Medical Schools Send Rejections


Understanding When Medical Schools Send Rejections

The process of applying to medical School can be a long and arduous one. After months of studying for the MCAT, writing personal statements, and submitting applications, the last thing you want to hear is a rejection letter. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many medical School applicants. It is important to understand when medical schools send rejections and how to handle them.

Timing of Rejections

Medical schools typically send out rejections in two waves. The first wave of rejections is sent out in the fall, usually in October or November. This is usually the largest wave of rejections, as medical schools are trying to narrow down their applicant pool. The second wave of rejections is sent out in the spring, usually in March or April. This wave is usually smaller, as medical schools have already made their decisions on the majority of applicants.

Handling Rejections

When you receive a rejection letter, it is important to remember that it is not the end of the world. Rejection is a part of the process and should not be taken personally. It is important to take a step back and reflect on the experience. Ask yourself what you could have done differently and use this as an opportunity to improve for the next application cycle.


Understanding when medical schools send rejections is an important part of the application process. Knowing when to expect rejections can help you prepare for the possibility and handle them in a healthy way. Rejection is a part of the process and should not be taken personally. Use rejections as an opportunity to reflect and improve for the next application cycle.


Q: When do medical schools typically send out rejections?

A: Medical schools typically send out rejections in two waves. The first wave of rejections is sent out in the fall, usually in October or November. The second wave of rejections is sent out in the spring, usually in March or April.

Q: How should I handle rejections?

A: When you receive a rejection letter, it is important to remember that it is not the end of the world. Rejection is a part of the process and should not be taken personally. It is important to take a step back and reflect on the experience. Ask yourself what you could have done differently and use this as an opportunity to improve for the next application cycle.

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