What You Learn at Harvard Business School: A Guide to the Core Curriculum


What You Learn at Harvard Business School: A Guide to the Core Curriculum

Harvard Business School (HBS) is one of the most prestigious business schools in the world. It is renowned for its rigorous curriculum and its commitment to developing leaders who can make a positive impact on the world. But what exactly do you learn at HBS? This guide will provide an overview of the core curriculum and what you can expect to learn during your time at HBS.

The Core Curriculum

The core curriculum at HBS consists of nine courses that are required for all MBA students. These courses cover a wide range of topics, including finance, accounting, marketing, strategy, and organizational behavior. The courses are designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of business and to prepare them for the challenges of the modern business world.

The Case Method

The case method is a unique teaching approach used at HBS. In this method, students are presented with a real-world business problem and asked to analyze it and develop a solution. This approach allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the material and to develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Field Studies

Field studies are an important part of the HBS experience. These are hands-on projects that allow students to apply the concepts they have learned in the classroom to real-world business situations. Field studies can take the form of consulting projects, internships, or research projects.


In addition to the core curriculum, students at HBS can choose to take elective courses. These courses allow students to explore their interests in greater depth and to gain specialized knowledge in a particular area. Electives can range from courses in entrepreneurship to courses in international business.


At Harvard Business School, students can expect to gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of business and to develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Through the core curriculum, the case method, field studies, and electives, students can gain the knowledge and skills they need to become successful business leaders.


Q: What is the core curriculum at Harvard Business School?
A: The core curriculum at HBS consists of nine courses that cover a wide range of topics, including finance, accounting, marketing, strategy, and organizational behavior.

Q: What is the case method?
A: The case method is a unique teaching approach used at HBS. In this method, students are presented with a real-world business problem and asked to analyze it and develop a solution.

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