Survey Reveals What Companies Look for in Business School Graduates


Survey Reveals What Companies Look for in Business School Graduates

A recent survey of employers reveals what companies look for when hiring business school graduates. The survey, conducted by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), surveyed employers from around the world to determine what qualities they value most in business school graduates.

Leadership Skills

The survey found that employers value leadership skills in business school graduates. Employers want to hire graduates who can take initiative, think critically, and lead teams. They also want graduates who can work collaboratively and effectively communicate with others.

Problem-Solving Skills

Employers also value problem-solving skills in business school graduates. They want graduates who can identify problems, analyze data, and develop creative solutions. They also want graduates who can think strategically and make decisions based on data.

Technical Skills

Finally, employers value technical skills in business school graduates. They want graduates who are proficient in the latest technologies and can use them to solve business problems. They also want graduates who can use data to make informed decisions.

The survey reveals that employers value leadership, problem-solving, and technical skills in business school graduates. These skills are essential for success in the modern business world. Business school graduates who possess these skills will be in high demand by employers.


The survey conducted by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) reveals that employers value leadership, problem-solving, and technical skills in business school graduates. These skills are essential for success in the modern business world, and business school graduates who possess them will be in high demand by employers.


Q: What qualities do employers value in business school graduates?
A: Employers value leadership, problem-solving, and technical skills in business school graduates.

Q: What is the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC)?
A: The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a global non-profit organization that provides research, assessments, and other services to business schools and prospective students.

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