Do Dentists Have to Go to Medical School? Exploring the Requirements for Becoming a Dentist


Do Dentists Have to Go to medical School?

Becoming a dentist requires a significant amount of education and training. While dentists are not required to attend medical School, they must complete a rigorous educational program to become licensed to practice. In this article, we will explore the requirements for becoming a dentist and discuss the differences between medical and dental school.

Education Requirements

To become a dentist, you must complete a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree program. These programs typically take four years to complete and include courses in anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, and other topics related to dentistry. After completing the program, you must pass a licensing exam to become a licensed dentist.

In addition to the DDS or DMD degree, some states may require dentists to complete additional training or certification in a specialty area, such as orthodontics or oral surgery.

Differences Between Medical and Dental School

While dentists and medical doctors both require a significant amount of education and training, there are some key differences between medical and dental school.

medical School focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and medical conditions, while dental school focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of oral health issues. medical School also typically requires students to complete a residency program, while dental school does not.

In addition, medical School programs are typically longer than dental school programs, as medical students must complete a residency program after graduating.


To become a dentist, you must complete a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree program. While dentists are not required to attend medical School, they must complete a rigorous educational program to become licensed to practice. Additionally, some states may require dentists to complete additional training or certification in a specialty area.


Q: What degree do I need to become a dentist?

A: To become a dentist, you must complete a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree program.

Q: Is a residency program required to become a dentist?

A: No, a residency program is not required to become a dentist. However, some states may require dentists to complete additional training or certification in a specialty area.

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