A How-To Guide for Establishing School-Business Partnerships


A How-To Guide for Establishing School-Business Partnerships

School-business partnerships are a great way to bring resources and expertise to the classroom. These partnerships can help students gain real-world experience, while also providing businesses with a way to give back to the community. Establishing a successful school-business partnership requires careful planning and communication. This guide will provide an overview of the steps necessary to create a successful school-business partnership.

Identify Goals and Objectives

The first step in establishing a school-business partnership is to identify the goals and objectives of the partnership. Both the school and the business should have a clear understanding of what they hope to achieve through the partnership. This could include providing students with real-world experience, providing resources to the school, or creating a mentorship program. Once the goals and objectives have been identified, it will be easier to create a plan for the partnership.

Develop a Plan

Once the goals and objectives have been identified, it is time to develop a plan for the partnership. This plan should include a timeline for the partnership, a list of tasks that need to be completed, and a budget for the partnership. It is important to ensure that both the school and the business are in agreement with the plan before moving forward.

Communicate and Monitor Progress

Once the plan has been developed, it is important to communicate regularly with both the school and the business. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the partnership is progressing as planned. It is also important to monitor the progress of the partnership to ensure that it is meeting the goals and objectives that were identified.


Establishing a successful school-business partnership requires careful planning and communication. By following the steps outlined in this guide, schools and businesses can create a successful partnership that will benefit both parties.


Q: What are the benefits of a school-business partnership?
A: The benefits of a school-business partnership include providing students with real-world experience, providing resources to the school, and creating a mentorship program.

Q: How can I ensure that the partnership is successful?
A: To ensure that the partnership is successful, it is important to identify the goals and objectives of the partnership, develop a plan, communicate regularly, and monitor the progress of the partnership.

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