Is Longwood University a Party School? Examining the Evidence


Is Longwood University a Party School? Examining the Evidence

Longwood University is a public University located in Farmville, Virginia. It is a small school with a student population of just over 5,000. With its small size and rural location, many people wonder if Longwood is a party school. In this article, we will examine the evidence to determine if Longwood is indeed a party school.

Student Life at Longwood

Longwood University offers a variety of activities and events for students to participate in. The school has a thriving Greek life, with over 20 fraternities and sororities. There are also numerous clubs and organizations, as well as intramural sports teams. The school also hosts a variety of events throughout the year, such as concerts, comedy shows, and movie nights.

Alcohol and Drug Use at Longwood

Longwood University has a strict policy on alcohol and drug use. The school does not allow the possession or consumption of alcohol on campus, and students found in violation of this policy can face disciplinary action. The school also has a zero-tolerance policy for drug use, and students found in violation of this policy can face expulsion.

Social Scene at Longwood

Longwood University has a vibrant social scene. The school has numerous bars and restaurants in the area, as well as a variety of clubs and organizations. The school also hosts a variety of events throughout the year, such as concerts, comedy shows, and movie nights.


Based on the evidence, it is clear that Longwood University is not a party school. The school has a strict policy on alcohol and drug use, and there are numerous activities and events for students to participate in. While there is a vibrant social scene at Longwood, it is not a party school.


Q: Is Longwood University a party school?
A: No, Longwood University is not a party school. The school has a strict policy on alcohol and drug use, and there are numerous activities and events for students to participate in.

Q: What kind of activities and events does Longwood University offer?
A: Longwood University offers a variety of activities and events for students to participate in. The school has a thriving Greek life, with over 20 fraternities and sororities. There are also numerous clubs and organizations, as well as intramural sports teams. The school also hosts a variety of events throughout the year, such as concerts, comedy shows, and movie nights.

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