How to Teach a Sunday School Lesson to Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide



Teaching a Sunday school lesson to adults can be a rewarding experience. It is an opportunity to share your faith and knowledge with others. However, it can also be a daunting task. To help make the process easier, here is a step-by-step guide on how to teach a Sunday school lesson to adults.

Step 1: Choose a Topic

The first step in teaching a Sunday school lesson to adults is to choose a topic. Consider the interests of your audience and select a topic that will be relevant and engaging. You may want to choose a topic that is related to the current season or a topic that is related to a current event.

Step 2: Prepare the Lesson

Once you have chosen a topic, it is time to prepare the lesson. Start by researching the topic and gathering relevant materials. You may want to include Bible verses, stories, and activities in your lesson. Make sure to include a variety of activities to keep your audience engaged.

Step 3: Deliver the Lesson

When it is time to deliver the lesson, make sure to introduce yourself and the topic. Give a brief overview of the lesson and explain why it is important. As you go through the lesson, be sure to ask questions and encourage discussion. Make sure to keep the lesson interactive and engaging.

Step 4: Wrap Up the Lesson

At the end of the lesson, be sure to summarize the main points and ask for feedback. Encourage your audience to ask questions and provide their own insights. This will help to ensure that everyone has a better understanding of the lesson.


Teaching a Sunday school lesson to adults can be a rewarding experience. By following these steps, you can ensure that your lesson is engaging and informative. With a little preparation and practice, you can be a successful Sunday school Teacher.


Q: What topics should I choose for my Sunday school lesson?

A: Consider the interests of your audience and select a topic that will be relevant and engaging. You may want to choose a topic that is related to the current season or a topic that is related to a current event.

Q: How can I make sure my lesson is engaging?

A: Make sure to include a variety of activities to keep your audience engaged. Ask questions and encourage discussion. Make sure to keep the lesson interactive and engaging.

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